On April 12th, 2018 I gave a talk about Explaining complex machine learning models with LIME at the Hamburg Data Science Meetup - so if you’re intersted: the slides can be found here: https://www.slideshare.net/ShirinGlander/hh-data-science-meetup-explaining-complex-machine-learning-models-with-lime-94218890 Traditional machine learning workflows focus heavily on model training and optimization; the best model is usually chosen via performance measures like accuracy or error and we tend to assume that a model is good enough for deployment if it passes certain thresholds of these performance criteria.

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On April 4th, 2018 I gave a talk about Deep Learning with Keras at the Ruhr.Py Meetup in Essen, Germany. The talk was not specific to Python, though - so if you’re intersted: the slides can be found here: https://www.slideshare.net/ShirinGlander/ruhrpy-introducing-deep-learning-with-keras-and-python Ruhr.PY - Introducing Deep Learning with Keras and Python von Shirin Glander There is also a video recording of my talk, which you can see here: https://youtu.

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In our next MünsteR R-user group meetup on Tuesday, April 17th, 2018 Kai Lichtenberg will talk about deep learning with Keras. You can RSVP here: http://meetu.ps/e/DDY1B/w54bW/f Although neural networks have been around for quite a while now, deep learning really just took of a few years ago. It pretty much all started when Alex Krizhevsky and Geoffrey Hinton utterly crushed classic image recognition in the 2012 ImageNet Large Scale Visual Recognition Challenge by implementing a deep neural network with CUDA on graphics cards.

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I’ll be talking about Deep Learning with Keras in R and Python at the following upcoming meetup: Ruhr.Py 2018 on Wednesday, April 4th Introducing Deep Learning with Keras and Python Keras is a high-level API written in Python for building and prototyping neural networks. It can be used on top of TensorFlow, Theano or CNTK. In this talk we build, train and visualize a Model using Python and Keras - all interactive with Jupyter Notebooks!

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For those of you out there who speak German: I was interviewed for a tech podcast where I talked about machine learning, neural nets, why I love R and Rstudio and how I became a Data Scientist. You can download and listen to the podcast here: https://mies.me/2018/01/31/hmww17-machine-learning-mit-dr-shirin-glander/ In der aktuellen Episode gibt Dr. Shirin Glander (Twitter, Homepage) uns ein paar Einblicke in das Thema Machine Learning. Wir klären zunächst, was Machine Learning ist und welche Möglichkeiten es bietet bevor wir etwas mehr in die Tiefe gehen.

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I am happy to announce that on Tuesday, April 24th 2018 Uwe Friedrichsen and I will give a talk about Deep Learning - a Primer at the JAX conference in Mainz, Germany. Deep Learning is one of the “hot” topics in the AI area – a lot of hype, a lot of inflated expectation, but also quite some impressive success stories. As some AI experts already predict that Deep Learning will become “Software 2.

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Author's picture

Dr. Shirin Elsinghorst

Biologist turned Bioinformatician turned Data Scientist

Data Scientist

Münster, Germany