This is code that will encompany an article that will appear in a special edition of a German IT magazine. The article is about explaining black-box machine learning models. In that article I’m showcasing three practical examples: Explaining supervised classification models built on tabular data using caret and the iml package Explaining image classification models with keras and lime Explaining text classification models with xgboost and lime

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This is code that will encompany an article that will appear in a special edition of a German IT magazine. The article is about explaining black-box machine learning models. In that article I’m showcasing three practical examples: Explaining supervised classification models built on tabular data using caret and the iml package Explaining image classification models with keras and lime Explaining text classification models with xgboost and lime

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On April 12th, 2018 I gave a talk about Explaining complex machine learning models with LIME at the Hamburg Data Science Meetup - so if you’re intersted: the slides can be found here: Traditional machine learning workflows focus heavily on model training and optimization; the best model is usually chosen via performance measures like accuracy or error and we tend to assume that a model is good enough for deployment if it passes certain thresholds of these performance criteria.

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On Wednesday, April 25th 2018 I am going to talk about explainability of machine learning models at the Minds Mastering Machines conference in Cologne. The conference will be in German, though. ERKLÄRBARKEIT VON MACHINE LEARNING: WIE KÖNNEN WIR VERTRAUEN IN KOMPLEXE MODELLE SCHAFFEN? Mit Machine-Learning getroffene Entscheidungen sind inhärent schwierig – wenn nicht gar unmöglich – nachzuvollziehen. Die Komplexität einiger der besten Modelle, wie Neuronale Netzwerke, ist genau das, was sie so erfolgreich macht.

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I have written another blogpost about Looking beyond accuracy to improve trust in machine learning at my company codecentric’s blog: Traditional machine learning workflows focus heavily on model training and optimization; the best model is usually chosen via performance measures like accuracy or error and we tend to assume that a model is good enough for deployment if it passes certain thresholds of these performance criteria. Why a model makes the predictions it makes, however, is generally neglected.

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Slides from Münster Data Science Meetup These are my slides from the Münster Data Science Meetup on December 12th, 2017. knitr::include_url("") My sketchnotes were collected from these two podcasts: Sketchnotes: TWiML Talk #7 with Carlos Guestrin – Explaining the Predictions of Machine Learning Models & Data Skeptic Podcast - Trusting Machine Learning Models with Lime Example Code the following libraries were loaded: library(tidyverse) # for tidy data analysis library(farff) # for reading arff file library(missForest) # for imputing missing values library(dummies) # for creating dummy variables library(caret) # for modeling library(lime) # for explaining predictions Data The Chronic Kidney Disease dataset was downloaded from UC Irvine’s Machine Learning repository: http://archive.

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Author's picture

Dr. Shirin Elsinghorst

Biologist turned Bioinformatician turned Data Scientist

Data Scientist

Münster, Germany